The Blue Sea Dragon: A Living Work of Art in the Open Ocean


Glaucus atlanticus, commonly known as the blue sea dragon, is a fascinating and unique creature that belongs to the family Glaucidae. This species of pelagic aeolid nudibranch is known for its striking blue color and the ability to feed on other venomous creatures, such as the Portuguese man o' war. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the blue sea dragon, its habitat, behavior, and other interesting facts.


The blue sea dragon is found in tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They are often found floating on the surface of the water, where they use their blue coloration to blend in with the ocean and avoid detection by predators. They are also able to regulate their buoyancy by taking in air and water, which allows them to float and move with the currents.


The blue sea dragon is a small creature, measuring only about 3 centimeters in length. It has a flattened body and six appendages that resemble wings or fins. The bright blue color of its body and appendages is a result of the presence of a pigment called pteroenone, which it obtains from its diet.


One of the most interesting behaviors of the blue sea dragon is its ability to feed on other venomous creatures. It is known to consume the tentacles of the Portuguese man o' war, which are covered in stinging cells called nematocysts. The blue sea dragon is immune to the venom of the Portuguese man o' war and is able to store the nematocysts in its own body, where they are used for defense against predators.

The blue sea dragon is also known for its unique reproductive behavior. It is hermaphroditic, meaning that it has both male and female reproductive organs. During mating, two individuals will align their bodies and exchange sperm, after which they will go on to lay eggs. The eggs are laid in long strings, which float in the ocean and hatch into tiny larvae.


The blue sea dragon, also known as the sea swallow, blue glaucus, dragon slug, and blue ocean slug, is a fascinating creature that has captured the attention of marine biologists and ocean enthusiasts alike. Its striking blue coloration and unique feeding and reproductive behaviors make it a truly remarkable species. While the blue sea dragon is not often seen by humans, it serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity and complexity of life in our oceans.

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