Synchiropus splendidus, the mandarinfish or mandarin dragonet:

Synchiropus splendidus, also known as the mandarinfish or mandarin dragonet, is a stunningly beautiful and colorful fish that has become increasingly popular in the saltwater aquarium trade. Native to the Pacific, this small fish can be found in some of the warmer waters, ranging approximately from the Ryukyu Islands south to Australia. In this blog post, we'll explore the fascinating world of the mandarinfish and learn more about why it has become such a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts.

Appearance and Behavior

One of the most striking things about the mandarinfish is its vibrant coloration. It has a bright blue body with orange stripes and spots, and its fins are adorned with a variety of colors, including green, yellow, and purple. The male mandarinfish is slightly larger and more colorful than the female, with a longer dorsal fin and brighter markings.

In the wild, the mandarinfish can be found in shallow reefs and lagoons, where it feeds on small invertebrates and crustaceans. It is a slow swimmer and spends most of its time hiding among the rocks and coral. When threatened, it will retreat to a safe hiding place or, if necessary, use its venomous spines to defend itself.

Tank Requirements

If you're interested in keeping a mandarinfish in your aquarium, it's important to understand its specific tank requirements. Mandarinfish are sensitive to changes in water quality, so it's important to maintain a stable and clean environment. They also require plenty of live rock and sand to provide hiding places and foraging opportunities. In addition, mandarinfish have a small mouth and require small, frequent feedings of live food, such as copepods and amphipods.


Breeding mandarinfish in captivity can be challenging, as they require specific water conditions and a carefully controlled environment. However, with the right setup and a bit of patience, it is possible to breed mandarinfish in an aquarium setting. The male and female will pair up and perform a courtship dance, during which the male will fertilize the eggs that the female has laid.


The mandarinfish is a fascinating and beautiful fish that has captured the hearts of many aquarium enthusiasts. While it may require a bit more care and attention than some other fish species, the reward of keeping a mandarinfish in your tank is well worth the effort. If you're considering adding a mandarinfish to your aquarium, be sure to do your research and provide the proper environment and care that it needs to thrive.

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